What) On our last trip I documented all of the various snacks I had while driving across the country. This time I decided to sample the surprisingly wide variety of under $5 alcoholic beverages that can be purchased seemingly everywhere in the United States.

    Where) Seven different locations

    Why) By the end of this odyssey I had asked myself that question so many times that I decided to stop voluntarily.

Purchased at: Safeway in Helena, Montana  Price: $4.43 Taste: Fruity and fizzy with no taste of alcohol.
We were grocery shopping and I couldn't pass up Champagne at this price. Of course it was ...

Purchased at: Safeway in Helena, Montana  Price: $1.99  Taste: As expected
... not worth drinking and not nearly as good as the coconut drink that Pam tried (and is still buying regularly today).

Purchased at: Walgreens in Las Vegas, Nevada  Price: $4.99  Taste: Horrible taste that induced shivers but I managed to finish the glass
Looking back now, I imagine that part of the appeal was in trying to find a gem in the under $5 category.

Purchased at: Walmart in Las Vegas, Nevada  Price: $4.99  Taste: Pleasant and refreshing
This gold medal winning wine was the only one that I would buy again. Unfortunately, it ...

Purchased at: Whole Foods in Henderson, Nevada  Price: $2.99 Taste: Horrible taste that induced shivers but I managed to finish my glass
... gave me the inspiration to go on and try a bunch more horrible tasting beverages.

Purchased at: Walmart in Yuma, Arizona  Price: >$5  Taste: not good enough for another glass
After each failure I became more dejected and kept considering quitting but ...

Purchased at: Walmart in Yuma, Arizona  Price: >$5  Taste: not good enough for another glass
... I would be tempted by a familiar brand and try again. Eventually I just ...

Purchased at: Liquor store in Phoenix, Arizona  Price: >$5  Taste: Good enough to have 4 glasses this size
... stuck with things that I had liked in the past and really only purchased them ...

Purchased at: Liquor store near the bridge club in San Antonio, Texas  Price: >$5  Taste: I have never met a port that I didn't like
... because the price was so good. All and all a very disappointing Buckys for me.