What) Cut Knife is the home of the world's largest tomahawk, located in the Tomahawk Park next to the Clayton McLain Memorial Museum on the west side of town. The tomahawk is 54 feet long, almost 40 feet high, weighs 8 tons and is cantilevered through the top of a giant 30 foot tall concrete teepee. The tomahawk handle is an actual fir tree and the ax head is fiberglass. It was created in 1971 during Saskatchewan's "Homecoming" commemoration of Indian treaties signed in 1871. (1)

    Where) I assumed that Cut Knife was small enough and the Tomahawk was large enough that detailed directions would not be necessary.

    Why) Perhaps there was not much else to stop in and visit on the way to Edmonton.  Yes, that must be the reason.

Okay, I was able to take one decent picture but in order to fill out this section a bit, ...

... I decided to include a couple of other pictures that I am not that fond of.

I just hope that you have no trouble telling which is which.