What) Spokeo people search has successfully located 457 people named Martha Russell in America. Out of Spokeo's index, 1 (0.3%) of these people is male, while 360 (99.7%) of these people are female. When it comes to ethnicity and race, a total of 247 (89.8%) of these people are of Caucasian origin, 18 (6.5%) are of African-American origin and 10 (3.6%) are of Hispanic origin.

    Spokeo's wealth and income data indicates that 73 (23.0%) of these people have incomes below $30,000, 98 (31%) have incomes between $30,001 and $50,000, 50 (25%) have incomes between $50,001 and $70,000, 33 (10%) have incomes between $70,001 and 34 (11%) have incomes above $100,001. (1)

    Where) #12C 1015 Whalley Avenue or Greens Farms Academy at 35 Beachside Avenue

    Why) Pam hadn't seen her sister in a few years but I had an ulterior motive for visiting.

We popped in to see the school where Martha works but she had already left for the day.

Here's the story.  Even though my birthday was still not for another two weeks, Martha had been holding a present for me for ...

... at least a month.  In January, my mother had shipped a large box to Martha's apartment and she had been keeping it and wondering ...

... what was in it.  I decided it was only fair to open it up in Connecticut so I could tell Martha as a way of saying thanks.
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