What) Spokeo people search has successfully located 457 people named Martha Russell in America. Out of Spokeo's index, 1 (0.3%) of these people is male, while 360 (99.7%) of these people are female. When it comes to ethnicity and race, a total of 247 (89.8%) of these people are of Caucasian origin, 18 (6.5%) are of African-American origin and 10 (3.6%) are of Hispanic origin.
Spokeo's wealth and income data indicates that 73 (23.0%) of these people have incomes below $30,000, 98 (31%) have incomes between $30,001 and $50,000, 50 (25%) have incomes between $50,001 and $70,000, 33 (10%) have incomes between $70,001 and 34 (11%) have incomes above $100,001. (1)
Where) #12C 1015 Whalley Avenue or Greens Farms Academy at 35 Beachside Avenue
Why) Pam hadn't seen her sister in a few years but I had an ulterior motive for visiting.