What) The official name of the statue is "Youth Triumphant", but it is also known as "The Whispering Statue". Located in the town center, it is a war memorial from the 1920's and is surrounded by a semi-circular granite bench. If a person sits on the opposite side of the bench from you so that the statue blocks your view of each other, acoustics will "bounce" her voice so it sounds like she is sitting next to you. (1)

    Where) At the corner of Highway 14/Main Street and US 302/Washington Street in the small city park.

    Why) After we failed to find the whispering gallery in Grand Central Terminal, I put this place onto the list because I knew it would be easy to find and it had an interesting looking statue attached to it.

The bench and grounds appeared to be undergoing some renovations when we arrived.

The statue itself had a certain beauty about it that bothered me a bit.

This youth is so triumphant and brave that it seems to be encouraging young men to go off and fight in war.

From all I have read this is not a good thing for anybody.

Anyway, when we finally got seated in our proper places, this was the view I had of Pam when I started talking to her.  Although it was windy and there was traffic noise her voice still bounced around fairly well.  I tried to record this effect on tape but that mostly failed.