Arthur Ganson - Sculpture that's truly moving (1)


    What) Housed in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology museum is a permanent collection of wondrous and playful machines from MIT's former artist in residence, Arthur Ganson. Some of Ganson's wonderful machines bounce endlessly, others oil themselves, others perform mysterious tasks without explanation. Of particular interest is the sculpture in which a tiny wishbone must forever drag an enormous machine around behind him. The MIT Museum also has the world's largest collection of holograms. (2)

    Where) 265 Massachusetts Avenue    Open daily from 10am – 5pm    Adults: $8.50

    Why) This page is actually a small part of a large tribute I did to the T E D series of talks.  That tribute did not make it onto the internet but you should really click here to watch and listen to the original version of Arthur's March 2004 TED presentation.  Then you might have a better understanding of why I wanted to go to the museum.