What) The venerable Hotel Georgia shut down for a massive renovation two years ago and was supposed to reopen in time for the 2010 Olympics. But plans changed and the owners now expect to open a new-look Hotel Georgia early next year as part of a $350-million hotel/office/condo project scheduled for completion by early 2012.

    Delta Land Development president Bruce Langereis said the company will spend about $120 million transforming the iconic 83-year-old property from a 313-room hotel into a 154-room boutique hotel with bigger rooms and updated amenities. The meticulous task of upgrading the historic hotel, staying true to its original look and meeting modern building standards has clearly taken time. About $20 million will be spent on seismic upgrades alone. “We looked at trying to do an Olympic opening but we would have been doing it by the seat of our pants and rushing things along wasn’t the right way to go,” Langereis said.

    But it hasn’t totally missed out on the Olympic hoopla as the 12-storey building at Georgia and Howe has been wrapped in one of the largest Canadian flags ever made — 32 metres by 64 metres — and operators hope Games visitors will remember the unique corner when they return to Vancouver in the future. The building needed the protection of an outside covering and Langereis said it made sense to spend $150,000 on a flag that will command a lot of attention during the Olympics. (1)
    Where) The corner of Georgia and Howe.

    Why) Pam requested that I add this flag to our Buckys list.  Coincidentally, we drove by it after dark while we were trying to navigate our way from Horseshoe Bay through downtown Vancouver to Whiterock.  I had so little Bucky's spirit in me at that moment that I didn't even stop to get out and take a picture.

When I lived in Nanaimo, I would take the ferry to Vancouver and spend the day ... (2)

... walking and gawking around the streets.  I probably passed by this building more than once. (3)